In everything we do, we implement the global goals. We believe that if we are to create a sustainable world, we must first start with ourselves.

Sub – goal 3.4 aims to work with preventive measures to promote mental health and well-being. We contribute to the company’s challenges to:
– get sustainable and more satisfied employees
– benefits / salary setting for motivation and performance
– reduce sickness rates and costs
This results in, among other things, increased profitability and efficiency.

Sub – goal 5.4 strives for unpaid care and household work to be recognized and valued by promoting shared responsibility within the household and the family.
Stress – related mental illness mainly affects women, who run a 41% higher risk, among other things due to an imbalance between work and family life due to
so – called double work.
With our household-related services as a salary benefit, they are relieved in everyday life.

Sub – goal 8.8 aims to protect worker´s rights and promote a safe and secure working environment for all workers, including labor migrants, in particular female migrants, and people in precarious employment.
By using us as a supplier, the companies contribute to offering secure employment with collective agreements, jobs and integration into the society to an industry consisting largely of female migrants.

Sub – goal 12.6 deals with, among other things, the effort to encourage companies to apply sustainable methods and to sustainability reporting.
We strive to work with the environment in focus in the performance of our services and to use materials and methods that protect the environment and encourage our customers and partners to do the same.